Overview: “The 8 Show” Kdrama (also known as “The Eight Show”) is a Netflix original drama series that released on May 17, 2024, and starring Ryu Jun Yeol, Chun Woo Hee, Park Jeong Min, Lee Yeol Eum, Park Hae Joon, Lee Joo Young, Moon Jung Hee and Bae Sung Woo. It will tell the story of 8 people who participate in a survival game where they have to survive for 100 days to earn billions.
Genre | Thriller, Mystery, Psychological |
Episodes | 8 |
Watch Online* | Netflix |
Director | Han Jae Rim |
Scriptwriter | Bae Jin Soo, Han Jae Rim |
Air Time & Schedule | Friday (All Episodes) |
“The 8 Show” Korean drama tells the story of eight people who are in dire need of money, appears on the reality show. These eight contestants will have to survive 100 days within the concrete walls of a secret studio that has eight floors.
The winning prize is 44.8 billion Won, which will be divided equally among the winners, however, everything they spend on, even necessities like food, water, and power, costs 1000 times more than usual rates and is removed from the winning prize.
Main Cast & Characters
- Ryu Jun Yeol as Jin Soo
- Chun Woo Hee as Se Ra
- Park Jeong Min as Philip
- Lee Yeol Eum
- Park Hae Joon
- Lee Joo Young as Chun Ja
- Moon Jung Hee as Moon Jung
- Bae Sung Woo as Sang Gook
Still Cuts
Notes & Facts
- Ryu Jun Yeol earlier starred in Korean drama “Lost” (2021).
- Chun Woo Hee earlier starred in Korean drama “The Atypical Family” (2024).
- Park Jeong Min earlier starred in Korean drama “Hellbound” (2021).
- Lee Yeol Eum earlier starred in Korean drama “Shinjikki” (2022).
- Park Hae Joon earlier starred in Korean drama “Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramun” (2023).
- Lee Joo Young earlier starred in Korean drama “Rose Mansion” (2022).
- Moon Jung Hee earlier starred in Korean drama “Times” (2021).
- Bae Sung Woo earlier starred in Korean drama “Delayed Justice” (2020).
- This series is based on the webcomics “Money Game” and “Pi Game” written by Bae Jin Soo.
- This is Lee Joo Young’s first drama as a lead role.
- Previously, IU was in talk to cast for the lead female role, but, due to scheduling issues, Chun Woo Hee has been offered to play the lead female role.
- Filming of this series began in mid-June, 2022.
Trailers & Clips
Character Trailer
*Drama is subject to regional availability.