Overview: “Confession Attack” drama special (also known as “Love Attack”) is a KBS2 original short drama series that released on November 25, 2023. It will tell the story of a second rank student who makes a fake confession to the first-rank student only to weaken her concentration in studies. “Confession Attack” stars Kim Do Hoon and Chae Won Bin in the main cast. Currently, It is not available to watch online on any global streaming platform.
Table of Contents
“Confession Attack” Koren special drama series tells the campus story where a second rank student makes a fake confession to the first-rank student only to weaken her concentration in studies.
Cha Seok Jin (Kim Do Hoon), starts his day super early at 4 a.m., but he always misses the top spot in class to Kang Gyeong Ju. One day he makes a promise to his friend by accident when they were drinking.
Kang Gyeong Ju (Chae Won Bin) is like a hardworking racehorse, always focused and never missing a task during her part-time job. One day, Seok Jin, who noticed her, confesses to her, making things a bit awkward. They start their relationship but soon they have to compete for the top spot.
Youth, Romance, Special
Main Cast & Characters
- Kim Do Hoon as Cha Seok Jin
- Chae Won Bin as Kang Kyung Joo
Supporting Cast
- Heo Jin as Kyung Joo’s Grandmother
- Park Sung Joon as Kwang Ryeol
- Nam Joong Gyu as Min Kyu
- Baek Hyo Won as Min Ah
- Han Ye Ji as Ji Soo
“Confession Attack” is a single episode special drama.
Still Cuts
Notes & Facts
- “Confession Attack” is the 7th episode of the 2023 KBS Drama special series. A total of 10 episodes are released each year. Each episode has a different story, cast and director. This year there will be a total of 9 episodes.
- Kim Do Hoon earlier appeared in Korean drama “The Escape of Seven” (2023).
- Chae Won Bin appeared in Korean drama “My Lovely Boxer” (2023).
- Previous: Behind the Shadows
- Next: Overlap Knife, Knife
- Director: Lee Hyun Kyeong
- Screenwriter: Choi Yi Kyeong
Where To Watch Online?
Currently, “Confession Attack” is not available to watch online on any global streaming platform.
Trailers & Clips
*Drama is subject to regional availability.