Overview: “My Liberation Notes” Kdrama (also known as “My Liberation Days”) is a jTBC original drama series that released on April 9, 2022. It will tell the story of three siblings and a stranger who wishes to escape their endless struggling life. “My Liberation Notes” stars Lee Min Ki, Kim Ji Won, Son Suk Goo and Lee El in the main cast. It is available to watch online on streaming platform Netflix*.
Table of Contents
- Synopsis
- Genre
- Cast
- Air Time & Schedule
- Episodes & Ratings
- Still Cuts
- Notes & Facts
- Where To Watch Online?
- Trailers & Clips
Korean drama “My Liberation Notes” tells the story of three siblings Yeom Mi Jung, Yeom Ki Jung and Yeom Chang Hee and a stranger called Mr. Goo living in Sanpo village who wants to escape their endless struggling life.
Yeom Mi Jung (Kim Ji Won) is the youngest sibling who is introverted in nature. She hopes to escape from her boring and lonely life, but her introvert nature always comes in between.
Yeom Chang Hee (Lee Min Ki) is the middle child of the three siblings. He has no dream or passion in life. Chang Hee is always looked down by his family members, so he wishes to escape it.
Yeom Ki Jung (Lee El) is the older sibling who has a hot temper. She commutes from her Sanpo Village to Seoul daily for work. Ki Jung intends to find love in this struggling life of hers.
One day, a mysterious man Mr. Goo (Son Suk Goo) appears in the Sanpo Village. He drinks a lot. Yeom Ki Jung tries to know him.
Romance, Slice of Life, Family
Main Cast & Characters
- Lee Min Ki as Yeom Chang Hee
- Kim Ji Won as Yeom Mi Jung
- Son Suk Koo as Mr. Goo
- Lee El as Yeom Ki Jung
Supporting Cast
- Lee Ki Woo as Jo Tae Hoon
- Cheon Ho Jin as Yeom Je Ho
- Jeon Hye Jin as Hyun Ah
- Park Soo Young as Park Sang Min
- Jung Soo Young as Jo Kyung Sun
- Jeon Soo Jin as Ye Rin
- Kim Ro Sa Jo Hee Sun
Air Time & Schedule
New Episodes every Saturday & Sunday at 10:30 P.M. KST.
Episodes & Ratings
“My Liberation Notes” Korean drama will have a total of 16 episodes.
Still Cuts
Notes & Facts
- Lee Min Ki earlier starred in Korean drama “Oh My Ladylord” (2021).
- Kim Ji Won earlier starred in Korean drama “Lovestruck in the City” (2020).
- Son Suk Goo earlier starred in Korean drama “D.P.” (2021).
- Lee El earlier appeared in Korean drama “Dr. Brain” (2021).
- Director: Kim Suk Yoon
- ScriptWriter: Park Hae Young
Where To Watch Online?
You can watch “My Liberation Notes” online on Netflix here.
Trailers & Clips
*Drama is subject to regional availability.