Overview: “Family Matters” Kdrama (also known as “Family Plan”) is a COUPANG TV original drama series that released on November 29, 2024 and starring Bae Doo Na, Ryu Seung Beom, Baek Yoon Shik, Lomon and Lee Su Hyun. It will tell the story of a group of people with special abilities, pretends to be a family to escape dangerous criminals.
Genre | Thriller, Comedy, Family, Supernatural |
Episodes | 6 |
Watch Online* | / |
Director | Kim Gok, Kim Sun |
Scriptwriter | Kim Jung Min |
Air Time & Schedule | New episode every Friday |
Table of Contents
“Family Matters” Korean drama tells the story of a group of people with special abilities pretends to be a family to escape dangerous criminals.
Han Young Soo is a caring mother with unique powers, while her husband, Baek Cheol Hui, hides his abilities, even though he’s shy and loves her deeply.
They also have Baek Gang Seong, a grumpy but loving grandfather, and two teenage siblings: Baek Ji Hun, who is kind and gentle, and Baek Ji U, who is fussy and sensitive. Together, they face challenges to keep each other safe.
Main Cast & Characters
- Bae Doo Na as Han Yeong Su
- Ryu Seung Beom as Baek Cheol Hui
- Baek Yoon Shik as Baek Gang Seong
- Lomon as Baek Ji Hun
- Lee Su Hyun as Baek Ji U
Still Cuts
Notes & Facts
- Bae Doo Na earlier starred in Korean drama “The Silent Sea” (2021).
- Ryu Seung Beom earlier starred in Korean drama “Moving” (2023).
- Baek Yoon Shik earlier appeared in Korean drama “Vagabond” (2019).
- Lomon earlier starred in Korean drama “Branding in Seongsu” (2024).
- This is the debut drama of Lee Su Hyun.
- The filming of this drama began in December, 2023. (source)
Trailers & Clips
This is the full official trailer of “Family Matters” that shows how this extraordinary family protects themselves from all the evils.
*Drama is subject to regional availability.