Overview: “KBS Drama Special: To My Lonely Sister” drama special (also known as “Drama Special Season 15: The Soles Are Hot”) is a KBS original short drama series that released on 10 December 2024, and starring Oh Ye Ju, Kim Kang Min, Park Ho San and Yang Ui Jin. It will tell the story of a high-school girl trying to bring her lonely elder sister, out of her room.
Genre | Family, Youth |
Episodes | 1 |
Watch Online* | Viki |
Director | Lee Jin A |
Scriptwriter | Han Bom |
Air Time & Schedule | Tuesday at 10:45 PM (KST) |
Table of Contents
“To My Lonely Sister” Korean drama story follows Ha Neul, a high school girl, as she creates a plan to help her reclusive, lonely older sister leave her room. With a focus on love and healing within the family, it shows how Ha Neul helps her sister and the family overcome their pain together.
Main Cast & Characters
- Oh Ye Ju as Yu Ha Neul
- Kim Kang Min as Kim Yang
- Park Ho San as Yoo Cheol Yong (Ha Neul’s dad)
- Yang Ui Jin as Yu No Eul (Ha Neul’s Sister)
Still Cuts
Notes & Facts
- KBS Drama Special is a South Korean anthology series created and broadcast by KBS2 that featured many short stories, with each episode having a different cast, director, and scriptwriter. (source)
- This time it will have 5 short dramas in total.
- Oh Ye Ju earlier appeared in Korean drama “Love Your Enemy” (2024).
- Kim Kang Min earlier appeared in Korean drama “Family: The Unbreakable Bond” (2023).
- Park Ho San earlier appeared in Korean drama “Goodbye Earth” (2024).
- This is the first drama series of Yang Ui Jin as a lead role.
- This is the last episode of the 2024 KBS Drama special series.
- Previous: Drama Special: The Road in Between
Trailers & Clips
This is the official teaser of “KBS Drama Special: To My Lonely Sister” that shows how Yu Ha Neul desperately asks her sister to come out of her room.
Episodes 1, 2, 3,….., Highlights
This is the 1 minute 48 seconds long highlight video of “KBS Drama Special: To My Lonely Sister” that shows the efforts of Yu Ha Neul to bring her sister out of her room, who has been there for 3 years.
*Drama is subject to regional availability.