Overview: “Idol In My Living Room” is a Korean web drama series that released on October 30, 2022. It will tell the romance story of a top student and an idol who end up living in the same house. “Idol In My Living Room” stars PENTAGON’s Yeo One, Kang Ji Hu and Jin Geon Woo more in the main cast. It is available to watch online on streaming platform YouTube*.
Table of Contents
- Synopsis
- Genre
- Cast
- Air Time & Schedule
- Episodes & Ratings
- Still Cuts
- Notes & Facts
- Where To Watch Online?
- Trailers & Clips
“Idol In My Living Room” web drama tells the story of Joy, a student at Sejong Institute. She is a straight-A, intelligent student. Somehow, she end up living in the same house in which a top Hallyu Idol Yeo One is living.
Rom-Com, Youth
Main Cast & Characters
- PENTAGON’s Yeo One as himself
- Kang Ji Hu as Joy (A staright-A student)
- Jin Geon Woo as Si Wan (A Taekwondo gold medalist)
Supporting Cast
- Yang Jung Yeon
- Jang Hye Ri
- Kim Nu Rim
Air Time & Schedule
New Episodes every Wednesday and Sunday
Episodes & Ratings
Korean web drama “Idol In My Living Room” will have a total of 10 episodes.
Still Cuts
Notes & Facts
- The drama was created to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the King Se Jong Institute Foundation.
- The subtitles for “Idol In My Living Room” will be available in ten languages including Spanish, French, English and more.
- PENTAGON’s Yeo One earlier appeared in Korean drama “Pumpkin Time” (2021).
- “Idol in My Living Room” is Kang Ji Hu’s first acting project.
- Jin Geon Woo earlier appeared in Korean drama “Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung” (2019).
- The web series will feature K-Pop songs and showcases tourist spots in Seoul.
Where To Watch Online?
Trailers & Clips
*Drama is subject to regional availability.