Overview: “Moon In The Day” Kdrama (also known as “Daytime Moon”) is an ENA original drama series that released on November 1, 2023. It will tell the story of Young Hwa and top star, Jun Oh as their destinies intertwine when Jun Oh’s body is possessed by a vengeful spirit seeking revenge on his reincarnated wife, Young Hwa. “Moon In The Day” stars Pyo Ye Jin, Kim Young Dae and Ohn Joo Wan in the main cast. It is available to watch online on streaming platform Viki*.
Table of Contents
“Moon In The Day” Korean drama tells the story of Kang Young Hwa (Pyo Ye Jin), a firefighter turned bodyguard, and Han Jun Oh (Kim Young Dae), a top star in Korea.
When Young Hwa rescues Jun Oh from a fateful car crash, their destinies become intricately linked. However, a supernatural twist occurs when Jun Oh’s body is possessed by the vengeful spirit of Do Ha (portrayed by Kim Young Dae), a nobleman from the ancient Silla Dynasty, who seeks revenge from his beloved wife Han Ri Ta (portrayed by Pyo Ye Jin), the one who ended his life. Ever since his wife’s act, Do Ha’s existence has been frozen in time. In today’s world, Young Hwa is the reincarnation of Han Ri Ta, his beloved wife.
Thriller, Historical, Romance, Fantasy
Main Cast & Characters
- Pyo Ye Jin as Kang Young Hwa / Han Ri Ta (A firefighter turned bodyguard)
- Kim Young Dae as Do Ha / Han Jun Oh (A popular top star with insecurities)
- Ohn Joo Wan as Han Min Oh (CEO of Beginning Entertainment/ Jun Oh’s older brother)
Supporting Cast
- Jung Woong In as Seok Cheol Hwan (Former CEO of Beginning Entertainment / homeless)
- Lee Kyung Young as So Ri Bu [Do Ha’s stepfather]
- Jung Heon as Koo Tae Ju [Jun Oh’s rival]
- Lee Joon Hyuk as Ko Kyung Se [Lawyer]
- Jung Shin Hye as Jeong Yi Seul [Jun Oh’s ex-girlfriend]
- Bae Eun Young
- Moon Ye Won as Choi Na Yeon (Young Hwa’s roommate)
- Lee Young Suk as Chief monk
- Kim Dong Young as Jang Yoon Je (Jun Oh’s manager)
- Sin Yoo Ro as Monk Hae In
- Jung Heon as Goo Tae Joo
Air Time & Schedule
New Episodes every Wednesday and Thursday at 09:00 PM KST.
Episodes & Ratings
Korean drama “Moon In The Day” will have a total of 14 episodes.
Still Cuts
Notes & Facts
- Pyo Ye Jin earlier starred in Korean drama “Taxi Driver Season 2” (2023).
- Kim Young Dae earlier starred in Korean drama “The Forbidden Marriage” (2022).
- Ohn Joo Wan earlier appeared in Korean drama “The Penthouse Season 3: War in Life” (2021).
- “Moon in the Day” is based on the webtoon of same name written by He Yum published from 2013 to 2017 via Naver.
- Filming of this drama began in April 2023.
- This series was initially scheduled to premiere on 25 October, 2023, but was rescheduled to release on November 1.
- Previous drama on this time slot of ENA’s “The Kidnaping Day.”
- “Moon in the Day” has been pre-sold in over 190 countries around the world even before its broadcast.
- Director: Pyo Min Soo, Park Chan Yool
- Scriptwriter: Kim Hye Won, Jung Seong Eun
Where To Watch Online?
You can watch “Moon In The Day” online on Viki here.
Trailers & Clips
Episodes 1, 2, 3,…, Highlights
*Drama is subject to regional availability.