Overview: “The Good Detective 2” Kdrama is a jTBC original drama series that released on July 30, 2022. It will tell the story of two detectives who opens the truth. “The Good Detective 2” stars Son Hyun Joo, Jang Seung Jo, Kim Hyo Jin and Jung Moon Sung in the main cast. Currently, it is not available to watch online on streaming platform.
Table of Contents
- Synopsis
- Genre
- Cast
- Air Time & Schedule
- Episodes & Ratings
- Still Cuts
- Notes & Facts
- Where To Watch Online?
- Trailers & Clips
“The Good Detective 2” Korean drama tells the story of two detectives with different personalities working in the Violent Crimes Team. Both works to reveal the conceded truth and combat the villains of the society.
Detective, Crime, Investigation
Main Cast & Characters
- Son Hyun Joo as Kang Do Chang
- Jang Seung Jo as Oh Ji Hyuk
- Kim Hyo Jin as Cheon Na Na
- Jung Moon Sung as Woo Tae Ho
Supporting Cast
- Cha Rae Hyung as Kwon Jae Hong
- Jung Soon Won as Ji Man Goo
- Kim Ji Hoon as Byun Ji Woong
- Kim Myung Joon as Sim Dong Wook
- Lee Ha Eun as Lee Eun Hye
- Jo Hee Bong as Woo Bong Shik
- Son Jong Hak as Moon Sang Beom
- Baek Eun Hye as Kang Eun Hee
- Choi Dae Hoon as Cheon Sang Woo
- Park Won Sang as Choi Yong Geun
- Park Geun Hyung as Jung In Beom
- Hong Seo Young as Moon Bo Kyung
- Lee Joong Ok as Jang Ki Jin
- Kim In Kwon as Lee Sung Gon
- Song Young Chang
Air Time & Schedule
New Episodes every Monday & Tuesday at 10:30 p.m. KST.
Episodes & Ratings
Korean drama “The Good Detective 2” will have a total of 16 episodes.
Still Cuts
Notes & Facts
- “The Good Detective 2” is sequel to “The Good Detective”. Son Hyun Joo and Jang Seung Jo reprised their role in season 2.
- Son Hyun Joo earlier starred in Korean drama “Tracer” (2022).
- Jang Seung Jo earlier starred in Korean drama “Snowdrop” (2021).
- Kim Hyo Jin earlier starred in Korean drama “Lost” (2021).
- Jung Moon Sung earlier starred in Korean drama “The Veil” (2021).
- Director: Jo Nam Kook
- ScriptWriter: Choi Jin Won
Where To Watch Online?
Currently “The Good Detective 2” is not available to watch online on any platform.
Trailers & Clips
Episodes 1, 2, 3,….., Highlights
*Drama is subject to regional availability.