Browsing: Lee Je Hoon
Overview: “Chief Detective 1958” Kdrama (also known as “Chief of Investigation”) is a MBC original drama series that released on…
Are you in the mood for a little suspense? There is nothing like Mystery-Thriller Korean dramas that can keep you…
Overview: “Taxi Driver 2” Kdrama (also known as “Model Taxi 2”) is an SBS original drama series that released on…
Warning! Only read this list if you are not celebrating Valentine’s Day, as the following list contains Kdramas with little…
“Move To Heaven” (or “I Clean Dead People’s Possessions”) is a Netflix original drama series that released on 14 May…
We have some amazing Korean dramas coming in the month of May (2021). Most of these dramas are filled with…
“Taxi Driver” (or “Deluxe Taxi”) is an SBS original drama series that released on 9 April 2021 and will soon…
April 2021 is bringing some good legal mystery Korean dramas our way. Most of the dramas premiering in April are…