Overview: “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” Kdrama (also known as “Strange Lawyer Woo Young Woo”) is an ENA and Netflix original drama series that released on 29 June 2022. It will tell the story of a brilliant lawyer Woo Young Woo who has very high IQ of 164 but, suffers from autism spectrum disorder. “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” stars Park Eun Bin, Kang Tae Oh and Kang Ki Young in the main cast. It is available to watch online on streaming platform Netflix*.
Table of Contents
- Synopsis
- Genre
- Cast
- Air Time & Schedule
- Episodes & Ratings
- Still Cuts
- Notes & Facts
- Where To Watch Online?
- Trailers & Clips
“Extraordinary Attorney Woo” tells the story of 27 years old Woo Young Woo who has a high IQ of 164 but, suffers from autism spectrum disorder.
She starts to work as a rookie lawyer at a law firm, where she faces prejudice because of her weirdness and inability to socialize with others. But, she also impresses everyone with her excellent skills to solve cases.
Law, Drama, Comedy
Main Cast & Characters
- Park Eun Bin as Woo Young Woo
- Kang Tae Oh as Lee Joon Ho
- Kang Ki Young as Jung Myung Seok
Supporting Cast
- Jeon Bae Soo as Woo Gwang Ho
- Baek Ji Won as Han Seon Young
- Jin Kyung as Tae Soo Mi
- Ha Yoon Kyung as Choi Soo Yeon
- Joo Hyun Young as Dong Geulami
- Joo Jong Hyuk as Kwon Min Woo
- Im Sung Jae as Kim Min Shik
- Lee Gi Young
Special Appearance
- Shin Ha Young as Kim Hwa Young
- Koo Kyo Hwan
Air Time & Schedule
New Episodes every Wednesday and Thursday at 9:00 P.M. KST.
Episodes & Ratings
“Extraordinary Attorney Woo” Korean drama will have a total of 16 episodes.
Still Cuts
Notes & Facts
- Park Eun Bin earlier starred in Korean drama “The King’s Affection” (2021).
- Kang Tae Oh earlier starred in Korean drama “Doom At Your Service” (2021).
- Kang Ki Young earlier starred in Korean drama “Moment At Eighteen” (2019).
- Director: Yoo In Shik
- Scriptwriter: Moon Ji Won
- See More At: 23 Interesting Facts About “Extraordinary Attorney Woo”
Where To Watch Online?
You can watch “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” on Netflix here.
Trailers & Clips
Episodes 1, 2, 3,….., Highlights
*Drama is subject to regional availability.